Friday, April 25, 2014

EQ 10--What are we using the Flash program to create? Tell me at least 5 terms and explain them that you learned as we did practice with Flash.

We are using the flash program to create a short story through narrations. We learned about the background which is where everything shows up on and how to change the color of it, the paint can which is used to fill in large areas with color, timeline that house your different elements of your story, tweening which is where you can add motion and special effects to your story, and the deco tool that allows you to create patterns on your background

Friday, April 11, 2014

EQ 9--How did your company presentation go? What was the best part? What was the weakest part? What is the main thing you learned during this presentation?

My company presentation went as well as it could have gone with what I had with me. The best part for me was when I got to leave. The weakest part was my speaking skills because I was nervous and had no time to practice. The main thing I learned was to try to get time in to practice before a presentation no matter what.

Friday, April 4, 2014

EQ 8--Reflect on the progress of your company project--3-4 sentences.

My company has been progressing nicely. I am currently working on a color add and everything is done except for assembly of my presentation. It should not take me long to complete and can hopefully finish by the end of class on monday.

Friday, March 28, 2014

EQ 7--Review this semester. What activities have you enjoyed and why? Why activities have you not enjoyed and why? Upload your favorite piece of work so far and explain why it is your favorite.

The activities I have enjoyed are creating the company logos and using the trade face powers of Photoshop. I enjoyed these the most because they showed me some of the powers of adobe. The activities I did not enjoy were writing the business plan. It was tedious and annoying and in my opinion was a waste of time that we could have spent learning more tools and techniques to illustrator and photoshop.

This is my favorite piece of work just because it is simple yet interesting. It also shows how much you can do with very little in illustrator.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Upload your favorite logo. Explain how you made it. Explain why it is your favorite.

This logo is my favorite because I put the most time and effort into it. I made it using shapes and effects to create the background and pictures off creative commons. The text was created then doubled up to give it a 3D look.

Friday, March 14, 2014

What are the eight parts of the business plan your were assigned? Is that different then you thought? What are the issues you have had so far writing your plan? What has been easy?

1. Executive Summary
2. Company Description
3. Market Analysis
4. Organization and Management
5. Service or product line
6. Marketing and sales
7. Funding Requests
8. Financial Projections

The only issues I have had so far is the overall length of it and the Market Analysis have been especially time consuming. Describing the service or product line has so far been the easiest.

Friday, March 7, 2014

EQ 4--What do you think goes in a business plan? What are the parts? Is research involved? What facts do you need to know, if any? Where could you find this information?

I think a competent and successful business plan has many parts. I believe it has to have long and short term goals, a well thought out idea and plenty of research to back it up, you must be patient and plan for obstacles and setbacks, and a thought out process and back up plans to help you achieve your goals. You need to know the facts and statistics of where you are at and how well according to geography and ethnicity your goods or services will preform according to those. You should also try to fulfill some kind of want or need with your business plan to try and get people interested. You can more than likely find most or all of this information on the internet using, business blogs and forums or other reputable sites.

Friday, February 28, 2014

EQ 3--Explain at least two difference between Photoshop and Illustrator. Which one do you like better and why?

Illustrator is used mainly for more specific and detailed pictures and advertising methods while photoshop is better suited to altering pictures rather than creating them. Of the two I enjoy using illustrator for the most part more. The thing that bothers me is how annoying it is to change the color of the paintbrush on mine. Instead of changing it at will I have to paint something, click on the mouse tool click on the object I just colored, and then change the color of it. I have to do this every time I want to changes colors so doing a multicolored design can sometimes be very annoying.

Friday, February 21, 2014

What has been your favorite project so far and why? Upload the project and explain why it has been your favorite.

My favorite project so far has been the trade face design. I thought it was cool we immediately got to see how to photoshop people's faces onto different bodies and understand a lot of the fundamentals of photoshop. It was a cool beginners project and I hope we get to learn more interesting photoshop possibilities while I am in here. This is what the picture of my trade face looked like when I uploaded my face to a girl's body:

Its not great but I still feel it turned out pretty well for my first time.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Company Ideas

Today we worked on ideas for our company name and products. We needed to come up with 10 names and product ideas that we thought we could use. I am leaning towards the name "In the Mix" and I am thinking about creating muffins for my product. After that every group needed to come up with an idea of what it was going to do out of those ideas. Afterwards we need to blog about what we did and then publish it.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

EQ1- What do you need to do to start a business? Try to list and explain at least 5 things that you would need to consider.

You need many different elements to start a business. The first element you will need is a consumer group in your area that will be interested and want to buy from your business. You need a storefront that is strategically located to attract the most customers. You must make sure to keep a large amount of money in reserve for start up costs, plus, most businesses don't start making any substantial money until the second to sometimes even third year depending on your product. You must be willing to work long hours and make hard decisions. Being your own boss has its own perks, but will come with many obstacles especially to someone beginning a new business. And last but not least, you need good advertising to help get your name out to help attract new customers.